Honorlock Guidelines

Preparing to Take the Test

Prior to test start, you will need the following:

  • Government issued photo ID (or Student ID).
  • Working webcam and microphone.
  • Credit or debit card for payment of the proctoring fee - all major credit/debit cards are accepted.
  • Stable internet connection.
  • Google Chrome browser
  • Download Honorlock Chrome Extension (This is required before starting your exam  If you receive a request for a proctor password you have not yet downloaded it.)

During the test:

The online testing environment should mimic a proctored testing center. When taking the test, you should:

  • sit at a cleaned off desk or table, (not a bed or couch), clear of other materials (see Prohibited Items).
  • adjust lighting so it’s bright enough (“daylight” quality)–overhead lighting is preferred and the source of light should not be behind the student.
  • scan your room–include your full work area and make sure to complete a 360-degree rotation, then show your workspace. Please show each piece of blank scratch paper, front and back. Partial scans and/or failure to show your work space may be flagged during the proctoring review.
  • make sure your laptop is fully charged and keep the charger within arm’s reach, if needed.
  • close all other programs and/or windows on the testing computer prior to logging into Honorlock.

Prohibited Items

All of the following are prohibited; these may result in an academic violation and invalidation of your test score:

  • Phone, calculator, or other electronic devices in testing area.
  • Dual monitors.
  • Websites other than ALEKS and Honorlock.
  • Notes or writing visible on desk or on walls - you cannot use notes from your previous tests.
  • LOOSE BLANK SCRATCH PAPER IS ONLY ALLOWED (disregard the warning from Honorlock on using scratch paper)
  • Music/televisions/noise playing in the background.
  • Other persons in the room during testing.
  • Communication or receiving assistance from others. Exception: contacting Honorlock support.
  • Leaving the room or being out of view of the camera during the testing period.
  • Headphones, earbuds or smart watches.