Make-up Exams

With the instructor’s permission, students who are unable to take scheduled classroom exams due to sudden illness, family emergency, approved religious holidays, scheduling conflicts, etc. may have their exam proctored at the Testing Center (AC 120, near Sehome Village).

Please note, if a student has a documented disability, he/she/they may receive testing services through the Disability Access Center.

Setting up your Make-up Exam

Student Checklist

  1. Contact the instructor to get permission. The instructor must complete an e-form and send the exam to the Testing Center before students can schedule a make-up test date and time. 
  2. Please contact your instructor to inquire about their submission of the e-form to the testing center.
  3. Once the e-form and exam are submitted by the instructor, the student is required to call the Testing Center at (360) 650-3080 and schedule their make-up exam. 
  4. The student must pay $20 per test, payable online (Debit, Visa or MasterCard).

Note: As per new change in State laws, religious accommodations for students allow special make-up exams to be scheduled free of charge, only for approved religious holidays.

Instructor Checklist

  1. Inform student of make-up test option. Instructor’s permission is required for the Testing Center to proctor an exam.
  2. Complete the make-up exam e-form and attach the test to be taken or email it separately to
  3. Make sure to note if this is a special make-up exam for approved religious holidays.
  4. Students cannot schedule their make-up test date without instructor completion of the previous step. Instructors may make a note in the e-form with the preferred dates the student must complete the test by. 
  5. Remind the student to call the Testing Center and schedule their make-up test date. 

After the student has completed their make-up exam at the Testing Center, the test will be sent to the instructor for grading.


Please contact the Testing Center (360) 650-3080 or with any questions or concerns about make-up exams.