ALEKS Math Placement Assessment
All students who still need to complete the math assessment requirement for registration will need to take the ALEKS Math Placement Assessment (MPA). The first exam is taken as a practice before taking the proctored exam using Honorlock. This is to assure accurate placement in courses that require a mathematics prerequisite for registration.
Learn more about ALEKS
Learn more about ALEKS and how it works by watching a 2 minute video.
When complete, review Honorlock Guidelines and Western Honor Code.
Step 1 - ALEKS MPA #1
Take the unproctored practice math placement assessment (mpa) online. Allow 2 to 3 hours of uninterrupted time to complete and do your best on the practice mpa.
Step 2 - ALEKS Prep & Learning
Strongly Recommended: Take time to work in the individualized, self-paced online review to improve math skills before taking ALEKS MPA #2 proctored exam.
Note: Students must access the Prep and Learning Module within 12 months of taking ALEKS MPA #1.
Step 3 - ALEKS MPA #2
Download the Honorlock Chrome Extension before taking the proctored official math placement assessment; the scores of which will serve for math placement for registration at Western. Allow 2-3 hours of uninterrupted time to complete. Calculators, phones, or external resources are not allowed during proctored sessions.
Review Honorlock Guidelines and Western Honor Code before downloading Honorlock. Honorlock student privacy statement
Repeat Steps 2 & 3
To increase your ALEKS MPA Score, repeat steps 2 & 3 up to two more times (MPA #3 & MPA #4).
Note: Students must access this feature of ALEKS within 12 months of taking ALEKS MPA #1.