ALEKS Placement Scores
All undergraduate degrees at Western required students show a minimum level of proficiency in Quantitative and Symbolic Reasoning (QSR). Your proposed program of study will determine the appropriate Quantitative and Symbolic Reasoning (QSR) option and which math class you may need; if you are unsure about these options please review the academic advising resources.
*Note: Your first ALEKS score will not count for math placement at Western - we treat ALEKS MPA #1 as a practice test for our students. The scores for ALEKS MPA #2 - Proctored (or highest of scores from MPA 2, 3, or 4 if you should decide to reassess) will count as official for math placement and registration purposes.
Students who are up to 5 points above the “cut-off” score requirements for the class in which they enroll should anticipate spending a greater than average amount of effort and study time to earn a satisfactory math grade in the class. If you enroll in a math class for which your ALEKS MPA score is close to the minimum requirement, spend time before the class begins to review the associated prerequisite math concepts.
Students are admitted to mathematics courses based for the most part on MPA results as shown in the following Scaled Scores table. Please note that the minimum ALEKS scores are subject to annual adjustments, and in support of student academic success.
Students may use the MPA scaled results to serve as a prerequisite for registration for the following classes.
ALEKS MPA Minimum Score |
Course # | Course Title |
- |
Math 99 |
Intro Algebra |
- |
Math 106 |
Quantitative Reasoning |
25 |
Math 107 |
Math Reasoning & App |
25 |
Math 108 |
Math Apps & Reasoning |
30 |
Math 111 | Functions & Algebraic Math for Teachers |
30-34 |
Math 112 with 109 | Functions & Algebraic Math with Support |
35 |
Math 112 |
Functions & Algebraic Math |
35 |
Math 240 |
Intro to Statistics |
45 | Math 371 | Teach P-3 Math I |
45 |
Math 381 |
Teaching K-8 Math |
55 |
Math 114 |
Precalculus I |
55 |
Math 156 |
Algebra Apps Business/Econ |
55 |
Math 160 |
Math & Art |
65 |
Math 157 |
Business Calculus |
70 |
Math 118 |
Accelerated Precalculus |
80 - 100 |
Math 124 |
Calculus I |
ALEKS MPA Minimum Score |
Course # | Course Title |
45 |
ASTR 103 |
Intro to Astronomy |
55 | ASTR 113 | Sun, Moon, and Plants |
55 | BIOL 140 | The Ecology and Economics of Salmon Recovery |
70 | CHEM 100 | Intro to Chemistry |
70 | CHEM 161 | General Chemistry I |
70 | CHEM 175 | General Chemistry I, Honors |
55 | CSCI 140 | Programming Fundamentals in C++ |
55 | CSCI 141 | Computer Programming I |
80 | CSCI 145 | Computer Programming and Linear Data Structures |
65 | DSCI 205 | Business Statistics |
55 | DSCI 207 | Introduction to Sports Analytics |
55 | ECON 140 | The Ecology and Economics of Salmon Recovery |
55 | ECON 206 | Introduction to Microeconomics |
55 | ECON 207 | Introduction to Macroeconomics |
55 | ENVS 201 | Understanding Environmental Information |
55 | ENVS 221 | Geographic Information Science Survey |
70 | ESCI 302 | Environmental Disturbances |
75 | ESCI 321 | Oceanography |
80 | ESCI 360 | Energy Efficient and Carbon Neutral Design |
55 | ESCI 463 | Wetlands for Wastewater Treatment |
30 | GEOL 101 | Introduction to Geology |
70 | GEOL 211/A | Physical Geology /Review |
55 | HNRS 209 | Colloquium in Microeconomics |
70 | HNRS 212 | Colloquium in Geology |
55 | PHYS 101 | Physics Analysis |
55 | PHYS 102 | Physics and Contemporary Issues |
55 | PHYS 104 | Physics Applications |
80 | PHYS 114 | Principles of Physics I |
45 | SCED 201 | Matter and Energy in Physical Systems |
35 | SOC 304 | Statistics for Sociology |